4 Easy Daily
Mobility Exercises
Jamie’s go-to mobility exercises to add to your day
Why is mobility so important? During our everyday life we put a high demand on our joints such as; walking, climbing stairs, sitting down, picking things up and this is before we go to the gym! Therefore having a decent mobility of our joints is crucial to ensure we avoid injury and can continue living our day to day lives.
Everybody is different in terms of their mobility needs but in todays society of more sitting and less movement, most people could benefit from a little mobility TLC from time to time.
No matter what your day consists of, whether you sit at a desk all day, enjoy long runs, do a Crossfit class daily or you have a long commute, adding in a short daily mobility routine will not only work wonders on your body but also your mind.
These are movements that can either wake your body up in the morning or help you to wind down in the evening. Try adding these in 3-4 times a week for a more limber and comfortable body.
These movements shouldn't take longer than 8-10 minutes and are said to help
power up your brain, improve focus, coordination and mental stability. Some
may also relieve muscle aches & pains and help with stress to calm you down.
Perfect to start or finish the day with!
Keep Limber,