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Gym Training For Cyclists

By QHP Training

Accessory activities, when used properly, will not only make you stronger and adept at specific movement patterns but they'll also help you get fitter and stronger at your primary exercise

Whether you are looking to get fitter, faster or become more competitive in your cycling abilities this accessory program will target all of the above

Whilst increasing your overall cycling strength, it will ensure the prevention of injury which is common from overuse.

Each week, you can expect 3 sessions - fitting perfectly alongside any existing routines you may have. The program continues for a total of 6 weeks, split into three, two week blocks

Little equipment is required and includes all gym basics such as: resistance bands, free weights, a bench and box. Making it readily accessible to all

Support videos help guarantee movements are performed correctly, allowing maximum benefit from the program


Gym Training For Cyclists
What is included in our E-Books?

What is included in our E-Books?

Our diverse and ever-expanding collection of E-Books are designed to hone in on different client requirements and demands. Whether you need to enhance a certain element of your training, or simply prefer an all-encompassing workout plan to follow, our E-Books have you covered.

What happens when I purchase a QHP E-Book?

What happens when I purchase a QHP E-Book?
Are the movements in the E-Book easy to follow?

Are the movements in the E-Book easy to follow?

All of the movements that you will find in our E-Books can also be viewed on our Online Movement Library. This Online Movement Library breaks down all of the exercises, techniques, and demonstrates scaleable options to suit your fitness level.

Empowering people to live healthier, happier lives and achieve their potential


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